The BS[G]M-6-60 antenna is a MiMo Omni-directional broadband antenna range for 4G/5G devices. It covers 617-960/1427-6000MHz and is suitable for external or internal installation. The mounting bracket enables simple wall mounting using the supplied screws and wall plugs and mast/rail mounting using the supplied clamps. The omnidirectional radiation pattern allows easy placement of the antennas in an elevated position, without requiring directional alignment. The BSGM type is supplied with an integrated GPS/GNSS module with 26dB LNA gain and advanced filtering to combat noise.
This antenna is an ideal solution for loT use in industrial and domestic environments for cellular modems/routers and machine-to-machine (M2M) wireless connectivity applications. The weather and corrosion-resistant design also makes the antenna suitable for certain marine and coastal applications.